Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sojourneer Truth Questions

1. To whom and to what is truth responding?
Sojourner is responding to the fallacy of women having rights to recieve manners and the best things, yet she has none of this and she has done more than any ordinary woman. She also responds to the ones who say and believe this because they aren't truly fulfilling it if they don't count all women.

2. Truth's argument takes the form of examples. What are they examples of, and what point do they help her make?
They are examples of the many things white women recieve and the many things white men say to disclaim the fact that blacks are human (both man and woman) as well. They help her make the point of how she is a woman and does not receive these things, pointing out the corruption of society.

4. Imagin u were in the audience when Truth delivered this speech in 1851. What perceptions of her might u have had, and how might what she said have countered them?
I would have seen her and thought "Everyone has a story, so what's hers?" She would not have countered what I had thought about her because I wouldn't have judged her knowing what she had to have been through. Her words would have validated my thoughts of how she was going to say something intelligent, truthful, and needed to be heard.

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