Saturday, October 11, 2008

Really Ms. Brown? The Gettysburg Address?

1. He may have been expected to speak more about the issues and effects of the war in an economic sense. He was probably expected to be more political and to tell the states to unify. He came out and told them his standpoint, denying slavery and saying that those who have died will not die in vain. He was speaking of finishing the war as the victor not just ending it because it was affecting people.

2. This sentence was put into the speech to remind people of what their country truly stood for. This country was made based off the breaking away of another country and declaring freedom. We are/were one of the few free countries of the world, but how can we be a free country with enslaved people? It's strange how it took them so long to realize this. Slavery and freedom contradict each other; they are TOTAL opposites. Lincoln's last sentence gives people the idea that all men have the right to be free and that all human beings deserve this right.

3. The Declaration of Independence was written to tell Britain and the world that we are now a nation alone. We aren't under the noses of Britain or anyone else. It denied the purpose of a king by saying all men are created equal. Lincoln's address was about that very statement. There should be no slaves because we are all equal. He was speaking of freedom for the people and reminding everyone what this country was made of and based off. The people are suppose to be regulated and directed, not controlled as puppets. They need law enforcement and punishment, not a whip to the back because they're too old to pick cotton. The Declaration of Independence and the Gettysburg Address both spoke of freedom, but in two different ways. Jefferson spoke of government freedom, Lincoln spoke of people freedom.

4. Out of all the speeches I have heard, this one is extremely short. It is though very effective despite it's lack in length. It gave a simple message that people needed to hear. It also spoke for the future, not just that time period. Lincoln speaks of people not being forgotten for what they have done. He also tells us about what we need to be reminded of: all men deserve to be free.

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