Monday, September 8, 2008

Columbus Picture

(Just in case you can't see it, at the top is a copyright and at the bottom is "Sorry for the mess...we weren't expecting you yet.")

This is a picture of a Native American looking at Columbus confused and he's doing the same. This proves my point because of the confusion on their faces. Columbus thought he was going to find a new passage to India, but instead he got lost. He was confused and puzzled because he had no idea where he was. Just looking at his face, you can see just how unfamiliar all of it seems to him. This was a total accident that any rookie navigator with bad navigation skills that didn't know where he was going could have done. Also there were people there so how can he say he discovered the "New World"? He led to the death of thousands of Native Americans all because he didn't know where he was going, and even those that did that tried to find this new land years ago received no credit at all. These people knew where they were going, or at least had an idea that it existed. Anyone could have found this place with no skill at all, because it took no skill to get there his way; it was all by an unexpected mistake.


Khadija Allen said...


Britney said...

I did not steal ur idea! lol.. ps i like the name of ur blog.. lol lol

mbrown8625 said...

Very clever! I like the sense of confusion that you present in your analysis. I also like the cler quip, "we weren't expecting you, yet". nice job!

Dejurie said...

cute pic. Where did you find it?