Saturday, September 13, 2008

Anne Bradstreet Biography

Anne Bradstreet was born in Northampton, England in 1612. She was the daughter of Thomas Dudley, a governor of volunteer soliders in the English Reformation, and Dorothy Yorke Dudley, a very well educated woman. When Anne was 16, she married Simon Bradstreet, a 25 year old man who was the son of a Puritan minister. They went to the New World on a tough journey filled with turmoil. Anne and Simon had 8 kids which they cared for through all times, even when their house burned down and they were homeless. While her husband worked, she educated her children and herself with her father's books. This inspired her to begin writing poetry, but women's beliefs weren't very well thought of so she kept it a secret. Her brother-in-law published them in England anyway without her knowing and admitted doing it. She then became sick with tuberculosis and passed away September 16, 1672 at the age of 60.

"Anne Bradstreet Biography - Poems" 2004-2008. September 13, 2008.

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